Heinz Henghes :: Drawings
254 - 1960s
29h x 38w

Three heads

No date, no signature

charcoal and tempera on paper
262 - 1960s
48h x 31,5w


1950s? Sketch on back. No date, no signature

Charcoal and tempera on paper
504 - 1960s
59h X 49.5w

Man and Woman

Two drawings, one on either side of cartridge paper.

egg tempora on paper
506 - 1960s
38h X 28w

Woman reaching out
Charcoal and egg tempora
518 - 1960s
38h X 28w

Red Man1
egg tempora
519 - 1960s
38h X 28w

Red Man2

Has a rough sketch of cn506 on reverse

egg tempora
520 - 1960s
38h X 28w

Man and boy
egg tempora
538 - 1960s
50 X 50cm app

egg tempora on paper
539 - 1960s
50 X 50cm app

egg tempora on paper
637 - 1960s

687 - 1960s

Abstract Female Form
693 - 1960s
38.5 X 28

Coupling Figures
695 - 1960s

Abstract Female
696 - 1960s

697 - 1960s

Abstract Shape
715 - 1960s

Female From