

The Heinz Henghes Organisation website was begun in 1997 by the Association for Research into the Life and Work of Heinz Henghes. An initial ambition was to provide as complete a catalogue of works as possible and make this publicly available. This has now been largely achieved though new additions are still being made as more works come to light.

Since 2004 there has been a rapid growth in the content of the site as new research has bourne fruit. An archive has been added and this is still being rapidly expanded with background material. We believe that the site is now the most complete online resource available on any twentieth century sculptor.

Please contact us if you have any comments about the site or if you knew Heinz Henghes yourself or if you know someone who did. We sould also like to hear from you if you believe you know the whereabouts of any sculptures or other works. Many of the works that have been catalogued remain to be traced so if you recognise a work you see here and you know its whereabouts we would like to hear from you.

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