Carrara grey marble which gave off a sulphor smell when cut. Bought in Rapallo
Carrara veined marble called paronazzo(?) Ivory colour. much veined by copper. Bought in Chiavari
Black Green stone. olive green in spots. faint blue throughout. Block came from dry part of river bed of the Entella. Weighed about 50kg. Carried by car with the assistance of Ranieri di San Faustino.
Old Braco-Pass stone. Many fissures made cutting delicate. The first statue Henghes did to (carte blanche) comission. For Tripoli home of Conte Guido Visconti di Moderna-Erba. Completed June 10th 1936 Milano after 2 months work.
This lifesize sculpture was the centrepiece of a 1972 exhibition held at the Archer Gallery. London. Using a technique of molding fiberglass. Henghes created a series of large works from 1969 to 1972 of which this forms part.
Maquette for Lifesize piece