Heinz Henghes :: All works
757 - 1950s?

Three Chickens
Painted Ceramic
108 - 1951
63,2h x 51w

woman in lying posit

Signed Henghes 51. Woman, lying on a bed (?) or square sheet. Colour: white paint highlighting.

charcoal on paper, paper glued on carton
224 - 1951
63,5h x 47w


Signed H. Henghes 51. Sketch on back.

charcoal and pastels on paper
253 - 1951
42h x 23,5w

Head for ceramic

paper mounted on card. Signed H. Henghes51

charcoal and pastel on paper
766 - 1951
63cm X 47.7cm

Female Seated Nude
Pastel and Charcoal on paper
767 - 1951
64cm X 48cm

Four Nude Female Figures
Pastel and Charcoal on Paper
743 - 1951?

367 - 1952

Jean Genet

Bust commissioned by Renato Wilde. Jean Genet came to London with Wilde in January 1952 and sat for the bust at Henghes' Albert Bridge Studios. Initial sketches were made on the 20th and the plaster cast (shown here) was completed by the 25th Jan. A bronze cast would also have been made.

Genet and Henghes knew each other over a number of years with most of their meetings being at Wildes villa Rospini in Rapallo. (See also article on pool at the villa Rospini).

Plaster for Bronze
765 - 1952
58cm X 78cm

Reclining Nude
Pencil on paper
853 - 1952

Two Women and chicken
74 - 1952?

Adam and Eve
451 - 1952?

802 - 1952?
26.5X 30X 12cm

Figure of a Man
75 - 1953
48cm h

Monument to the Unknown Political Prisoner

Entry for a competition held by the ICA. The aim of the competition was to create a memorial "to pay tribute to those individuals who, in many countries and diverse political situations, had dared to offer their liberty or their lives for the cause of human freedom". The competition itself was won by Reg Butler though the project was abandoned in 1960.

Only two of the four original figures survive.

87 - 1953
65h x 50w

Man and woman

Signed Tursac 53 H. Henghes. Colours blue and ochre

charcoal on paper, glued on cartoon
95 - 1953
63,5h x 48w

man and woman

Signed Tursac 53 H. Henghes. Upright figures of a man and a woman. Colours: green, ochre.

charcoal on paper, paper glued on carton