Henghes was a sculptor who lived from 1906 to 1975.
This site will enable you to discover the Artist and his
A Chronology
The life of Heinz Henghes year by year
View a slideshow introduction to the artists life. (Will open in a new window. Requires at least 1024 X 768)
Sculptors, Artists, Writers and others known to Heinz Henghes arranged chronologically with links to external sites.
Exhibitions: England & co. Spring 2006 Orleans House Autumn 2006 Hommage a H. Henghes August 2008
La Piscina - 1957
Henghes' sculpture in the Italian landscape
To Keep Alive Uncertainty
Heinz Henghes on sculpture
Kein Volk Traegt
Heinz Henghes on Herbert Read, art and society and the origins of
his own work with marble
Photos of Heinz Henghes
A selection of images of the Artist.
Recollections from Teresa Gleadowe
A Fantasypoem for HH
by Brian Patten
Heinz Henghes,
Ezra Pound and the New Directions Colophon
with Heinz Henghes
An interview from 1973